Mari lost weight with our 60-Day Weight-Loss Programme

Mari is a hotelier and bar owner, so her time off is very limited, and she loves dedicating it to her daughter.

Despite her busy lifestyle, she wanted to make some changes in her life. She’s managed to lose weight and improve her well-being with the help of Slimmium products. Keep reading to learn more about her journey.


I would describe myself as overweight

Mari’s busy lifestyle meant that she wasn’t always the best at taking care of herself: “I would describe myself as overweight. As I have a business, I don’t have time to spend a lot of time at the gym.”

The trouble started after she inherited her business in 2000. Before that, she describes herself as slim, easily fitting into size 14 clothes. Her general well-being was impacted by her weight gain as well: “I couldn’t bend over or kneel down; my feet hurt all the time.”

Luckily, Mari found Slimmium online

She first encountered our products on social networks: “I read many reviews and saw the changes people were able to achieve and decided to try it out. I saw that the products were natural, which gave me confidence in them.”

Among other products, Mari tried our NightBurn XXL, AdipoBurn XXL and Slimmiccino,** three products that are an essential part of our 60-Day Weight-Loss Programme. She says she first noticed changes “within a week* of trying the products. I’m still using them, and I’m very satisfied.”

“I’ve lost 6* kilos”

After her experience with some of our most popular products, Mari can happily list the improvements she’s noticed since: “I have improved my health and my mood, and I have fewer cravings. I have reduced my waist, abdomen, andleg circumference and above all, I’m no longer retaining excess water.”


“I’m very happy! I’ve lost 6* kilos since I started using these great products.”


You might not know this, but it’s much more difficult to lose fat if you don’t get rid of toxins first. Why? Fat tissue is the safest place to store toxins and remove them from circulation. The way to get rid of toxins is to flush them out along with excess water. This is why getting rid of water retention is the first step to long-term, successful weight loss, as well as getting your first visible slimming results fast.

Get the body of your dreams with our best-selling 60-day bundle!

The 60-Day Weight-Loss Programme features all of Slimmium's most popular products that will help you detox, lose weight and improve well-being in just 3 easy steps!

  • Step 1: Detox the body with Live & Slim Tea, Sleep & Slim Tea and WaterOut XXL.
  • Step 2: Slim down with Slimmiccino, NightBurn XXL and AdipoBurn XXL.
  • Step 3: Get active and boost your progress with FatBurn XXL.

Order now and get 2 gifts that can help you on your slimming journey: a FREE Exercise Band and Slimmium Shaker!

*Disclaimer: The effects of the product may vary between individuals and could differ from those described on the website. Our products are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease or serious illness. Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important.

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