8 small lifestyle changes that can boost weight loss

Lifestyle changes don't have to be hard. Learn which SMALL changes work best for weight loss and should be prioritised!


If you believe that sustainable weight loss comes from a healthier lifestyle, you might've noticed by now that adopting these new “healthier” habits is far from easy.

Studies show that the success rate of adopting a new habit and sticking to it for long enough is around 50% - at best!

There is a way though. Focusing on micro-changes in your behaviour could be easier on you and just as effective!

For example, getting in shape in a month might seem daunting to you if you are not very active currently...

Breaking down your main goal into smaller goals might just do the trick!


“I want to improve my fitness” might be broken down into:

  • “I want to be a runner.”
  • “I want to have toned arms.”
  • “I want to be able to do 50 push-ups in one go by the end of the summer.”

The “I want to be a runner” might be broken down into:

  • “I want to run at least to the end of the block.”
  • “I want to run 5 times per week.“I want to stretch afterwards.”
  • “I want to do a marathon this year.”

You can use this method with any high-level goal you have. To make it easier on you, we've gathered the 8 most common lifestyle habits that can help you lose weight. Following the break-down method, you’ll know exactly where to start.

8 lifestyle habits that support weight loss

Drink water

1. Drink more water

  • Drink 1 big glass of water when you wake up.
  • Additionally, drink 1 glass of water before every meal.
  • Additionally, drink 1 glass of water after your last meal.
  • Drink 6 glasses of water per day. Drink 1.5 litres of water per day.



2. Eat more fibre

  • Chose whole-grain products instead of processed.
  • Additionally, add a handful of any vegetables to each savoury dish.
  • Additionally, start eating beans, legumes, or lentils every day.
  • Additionally, use oats, flax seeds, chia seeds or walnuts every day.
  • Additionally, choose high-fibre fruits like berries, apples and pears over dried fruits, bananas, persimmons, and other sweet fruit.


3. Eat more healthy fats

  • Chose olive oil over regular.
  • Additionally, choose plant-based mayonnaise over regular.
  • Additionally, include more avocadoes, flax seeds, olives, almonds and walnuts into your diet.
  • Additionally, choose salmon and sardines over other fish.


4. Eat less processed carbs

  • Replace regular desserts with raw desserts.
  • Replace regular bread with wholemeal bread.
  • Replace regular cereal with oatmeal. Replace white rice for wild rice or whole-grain.
  • Replace ½ of pasta (per portion) with spiralised courgette.
  • Replace wholemeal bread with whole-grain crispbread.

Intermittent fasting

5. Intermittent fasting

  • Eat only during the 14-hour window from 6 AM to 8 PM.
  • Eat only in 12-hour window of time – not later than 8 PM.
  • Eat only in 11-hour window of time – not later than 8 PM.
  • Eat only in 9-hour window of time – not later than 8 PM.
  • Eat only in 8-hour window of time – not later than 8 PM.


6. Be more active

  • Every day do one physical activity for 2 minutes (stretching, yoga, HIIT, …).
  • Every day do one physical activity for 5 minutes (yoga, Pilates, HIIT, …).
  • Take a 15-minute walk. Take a 30-minute walk every other day.
  • Include 5 1-minute sprints into your 30-minute walk.
  • Do one social sport once per week (tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton, …).
  • Go on a hike every 14 days (at least 90 minutes).

Lean muscle

7. Build lean muscle mass

  • Do 10 squats, 3 push-ups, 15 crunches and 10 donkey kicks on each side every day.
  • Do 20 squats, 5 push-ups, 30 crunches and 15 donkey kicks on each side every day.
  • Do 1-minute plank, 40 squats, 10 push-ups, 50 crunches and 20 donkey kicks on each side every day.
  • Follow basic online strength workout videos 3 times per week (up to 20 minutes).
  • Increase resistance every 3 weeks.


8. Get enough sleep every night

  • Stop using your phone in the last 2 hours of your day.
  • Additionally, stop watching TV in the last hour of the day.
  • Additionally, go to bed 1 h earlier than usual. Get 6 hours of sleep every night.
  • Additionally, take a short nap, when you’re tired, hungry or moody (if possible).
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.